Back Home Again
Click on the photos to enlarge them. Another great roadtrip came to an end . . . possibly our last. This was a roadtrip of firsts. It was our first roadtrip not leaving our time zone, our first in only coastal states, our first time staying out of the country, our first time camping, and first time staying on a boat. This is my 9th summer roadtrip with Cole and Jacquelyn, they were 6 and 4 when we first ventured out and drove to the East Coast. I'll remember these trips for the rest of my life because I feel they were a huge accomplishment for me . . . I so feared going on the first one. I feared flat tires, something happening and we would be too far from home, not actually being able to drive that far and I also so feared getting lost. I packed up and left every July despite the fears that would always return the night before we left. I did have flat tires, dead batteries, sick kids, and we sure did get lost a few times ~ with and without the GPS. Our second year we were driving home from South Dakota, I told the kids to look out the window to see the up coming sign welcoming us to Wyoming but instead it said welcome to Nebraska! I'll never forget that day. . . . I don't think I had a Nebraska map. I remember I called my dad and asked him to find where I was . . . and he did. Since then I've been good and lost a few times but always found our way somehow. Cole and Jacquelyn have stories of me pounding the steering wheel, yelling out the window and throwing my cell phone all the way into the back of the car while lost in New York last year but I'm trying to forget that particular one.
I posted a few photos of our first roadtrip together I didn't do a great job scanning them. Apparently they've been climbing on signs since the first trip.

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