We made it to Alaska today, Cole and Jacquelyn have been asking me for years and I always told them there was no way I would drive up to Alaska . . . well I did it! Now that we've driven to every state be prepared Jeff . . . they want to go to Hawaii next! We left Prince Rupert and drove up to Hyder it was about a 6 hour drive but one of the most beautiful we've been on. We saw a bear cross the road right in front of us. We stopped the car and got out and took pictures at almost every turn . . . all except the one the bear was at (those photos were taken from inside the car) I really wanted to see a bald eagle and then sure enough I saw one swoop down close to the road. No chance to grab the camera and take a picture . . . I was thinking I'd never get a chance to get a photo of one. Then a few miles down the road I looked out and saw two sitting on a large dead tree branch . . . pulled the car over and quickly slammed on my telephoto lens and jumped out of the car hoping not to scare them away. We watched them and walked closer as they watched us. They were not really happy with us walking out close to them but when they flew off it was breathtaking! I have to say that was the highpoint of my day today. I was finally thrilled to make it to Alaska but my God how am I going to get home? 3,000 miles today (half of those are actually kilometers!) I usually have my sister or parents house to rest at before I tackle the journey back . . . I'm hoping to have a restful day tomorrow and build up the energy to start the journey back . . . bring on the Coffee! If anyone wants to fly up and help out with the drive I'll share my chocolate with you.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How beautiful...we've enjoyed "watching" you travel up there. You thought Alaska was a far drive - wait until you drive to Hawaii!
ReplyDeleteThat is soo cool that you guys made it to Alaska!!! I miss you guys soooo much!! Keep us posted on your guys way home!! Love you guys!! :)) -Caroline :))
ReplyDeleteCoral, Jacqurlyn and Cole, I would love to help you drive back, timing is wayoff though. Maybe next time. The chocolate was tempting. Maybe it's time to revisit taking the ferry? Love you all and happy trails to you until we meet again...