Cole wanted to find the Fog City Diner and go in and have something to eat. We drove around for a while looking for a parking place filled the parking meter and went in for a bite. We sat at the bar and chatted with Fronz, he said something that lingered with us today. He said it's going to take aliens showing up on earth eating people for us to realize that we're all humans and all get along. He said it in humor and I probably didn't quote it as well as he said it . . but it really resinated with us and we decided it would be our quote of the day. Sad that it's probably the truth . . . hoping the aliens don't show up and start eating humans until after we get back home. The high point of our day was when he ripped up our tab and said our check was on him . . . we were so flattered that we decided to pay it forward and do something nice for someone else on our trip. So thank you Fronz for your conversation and kind gesture we hope this will inspire our readers to pay it forward to someone they don't know. We'll post what we do to pay it forward.

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