Cole Speaking, As some know i will soon be joining you all on the road so I've been interested in the rules and procedures of getting your license. So here in Canada to get your license for the first year you must have an adult in you car and have a L sticker on your car that stands for learner. Then you get a N for novice the next year. So this year when we've been driving around everywhere i've been seeing big green N stickers on the back of cars. Its kind of obvious too because they haven't been the best drivers. 1 of them i saw was smashed in an accident and another one was swerving around and struggling. It's interesting and slightly funny how people see the N and kind of shun that car so its isolated from others. I think its interesting how Canada does that - thanks Nancy for giving us the heads up on that one, we spot them everywhere. Signing out

Hey Cole, why not ask your Mom to let you help her drive home. It will be good practice and you will be well versed in the finer points of driving when you go for your permit. Hey Coral, why not give it a try?
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me??? I've seen him drive up my driveway! But you're right after this trip he would be an expert! Unfortunately all the roads are two lane yellow dashed . . . trucks coming at you in your lane passing insanity.