Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Drive

Cole Speaking, Going through Canada has been breathtaking. We have had amazing scenic stretches of road and I have been captivated starring out the tinted window in the back seat. The glare of my beading eyes on the window but on the other side of the window are tall towering waterfalls, large lakes surrounded by tall jagged mountains, mountains peppered with trees, and summits still coated with snow. And right in the middle of it all is a small 2 lane road with large logging trucks and RV's flying through at top speed, often other tourists from the states like us. Flying by as at these incredible speeds, it makes me think... Do they notice that it says 100 kilometers per hour not miles. Because 100 kilometers is only 63 miles per hour.
(Post road photo tonight so don't forget to check back in)
On the road we traveled yesterday we saw a train traveling on our side we drove as the train weaved in and around our road. I looked over and ding I think. "What if We Used The Air Horn Sign On The Train?" Jacquelyn Quickly signs on to this idea. We both roll down the windows and go for it. Starring at the man running the train we see him begin to crack up laughing and reach over and TOOO TOOOO! (thats the best train noise i can make so no complaining if you have a better one than let me know) We die laughing in shock of our success. "YESSS" we scream and roll down the window to give the man a large thumbs up. It was a high point of my trip so far. Signing out

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