Friday, July 16, 2010

Thank You Janet!

Coral here: We stopped in and visited our good friend Janet last night. It was such a wonderful visit with a friend who I haven't seen in years. She gave us her beautiful guest room and we had a great nights stay. Thank You Janet, I know Jeff, Charese and Candace all wish they were along with us to visit with you.


  1. Awwwwwe! I miss Janet! She's still as beautiful as ever! =)

    Have a nice trip! Tell Jeff that Amos Lee song on the answering machine was not for him! LOL! By the way, when are you all coming home?

  2. Hi everyone. I was so happy to see & visit with Coral, Jacqueline and Cole. A visit all too short but packed with a lot of laughter. I missed you all as soon as you drove down the driveway. I will be checking the blog for updates. Looking forward to your return visit. Now if we could just get Jeff up here!!! Hugs and kisses all around... to you too Butterfly Tea Chic!

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